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What is your favorite example of architecture and why
The St. Louis Gateway Arch. It’s not exactly architecture, more of a sculpture. I like it because it has a timeless quality, sort of like the Pyramids in Giza. Also it is full of visual and experiential surprises. Maybe more than any human made structure, it has created a symbol for a city.

Little-known fact
I am no longer being pursued by the IRS for refusing to pay War Taxes in the 1980’s.

The last good book I read was…
A Fine Balance by Rohninton Mistry

Favorite place to travel
Italy. Anywhere in Italy, not a particular city. It’s a beautiful country.

Favorite place in Boston
The North End

Favorite project I’ve worked on
Temple Street Condominiums, Somerville MA

When I’m not designing architecture, you can find me (here, doing this, etc.)
Playing soccer or riding a bicycle.

Raison d’etre
Does this mean Eating Raisins? My raison d’etre is to solve the world’s problems.

Favorite quote
“If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.” Quote is attributed to Mark Twain, though there is scholarly dispute about whether he actually wrote or said exactly this phrase. I like it because I don’t have a great memory, and I try to tell the truth because I’m not very good at not telling the truth.

Most valuable advice I ever received
My high school math teacher reassured me that I was going “to make it” in life, though not necessarily in math.

Childhood dream job
Professional tennis player.

Favorite animal and why?
Our dog Trooper because he has an infinite capacity for love (except not for rabbits and squirrels). Giraffes are fun to watch also, but I wouldn’t want to put my arm around a giraffe.

If I hadn’t gone into architecture, I might have pursued…
Sculpture, but I could not have paid my bills.

Favorite phase of design
Every phase is a blast.

Favorite movie
The King of Hearts (Le Roi de Coeur)

What gives you joy?
Elegant, efficient solutions to any design problem.

How am I engaged in my community?
I am involved with the Housing Corporation of Arlington and serve on the Town’s Affordable Housing Trust Fund committee.

Who inspires you?
So many people. My family. Martin Luther King, MK Gandhi, Antonio Gaudi, Helen Keller, Andrea Ocasio-Cortez, Barack Obama, every Nobel Peace Prize winner

Favorite music?
Paul Simon, Indigo Girls, The Beatles, Sweet Honey in the Rock, Queen, Beethoven, Rodgers and Hammerstein, Julie Gold, Linda Ronstadt